You can now download a pdf of our shiny handbook and programme grids from the programme page and there is also an accessible word version of the large print handbook. Don't worry, you will get a printed copy as well when you check in, so you don't have to print it, but we thought you'd like to see the lovely things we have in store 🙂
- Handbook with session descriptions (pdf)
- Programme grids (pdf)
- Large print (16pt) accessible word version of handbook (.docx)
Unfortunately the Tantra and Button Magic Jewelry workshops have been cancelled as the facilitator is now unable to attend BiCon
The awesome Katy has offered the following session which will be run in Pink on Saturday 15:00-16:15 for children and their accompanying adults only
When I Grow Up
What do you think you'll look like when you're grown up? What places do you want to visit, what jobs would you like to have, where do you want to live? Discussion and drawing/writing activities for the BiCon kids around the theme of their future.
Gina will be facilitating a drumming session in Green on Sunday from 10:00-11:15
This will be a very free-form, participant-led drumming session and all forms of drums and shakers will be welcomed. If you don't have a drum, then bring hands to clap, feet to stomp or a drinks bottle filled with a handful of rice to shake, or come along to just listen or dance to the rhythm. There will likely be some sharing of instruments so we all get to experiment with creating different sounds. All welcome.
Kaye will be holding a singing session
From Kaye:
Butch-ers Shop Choir
Do you like singing?
In parts?
Singing group for sops/mezzos/altos of all genders
Where: Orange
When: Friday lunchtime
You don’t have to be butch (I’m not) – I just like dreadful puns :-p